Sunday, July 10, 2011
to July 16, 2011
Effortless Becoming, a retreat facilitated by Himayat Inayati
“Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you,
even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” Jesus
The great Sufi master Hazrat Inayat Khan outlined three essential paths for the aspirant: the master, the saint, and the prophet. Effortless becoming stresses the path of the saint. Core to this path is a deep attunement to an essential resonance with The Christ. This path acknowledges the power of attunement, presence, allowing, truth, insight, healing, which ultimately blossoms as an unique embodiment of the powers of the Comos. This path is not of mastery. It is not an overcoming. It is not the pursuit of an ideal. It is a resolution of conflict and an embracing of truth. Implicit in the saying of Jesus noted above is the faith that behind the universe and its manifold manifestations is a deep intelligence guiding it to its ultimate fulfillment.
This retreat will quicken, orient, and facilitate within each participant a dynamic of graceful awakening that comes through presence, insight, savoring, assimilating, and healing.
For an English and German versions of the flyer including registration information, see below or Lasalindre Retreat Center
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