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Universal Awakening

Saturday, October 10, 2015

10 AM to 5 PM

Living In A World Inside Out

 Living In A World Inside Out

A Weekend Retreat Evoking a Sacred World that Lives Uniquely Within Each of Us

- facilitated by Himayat Inayati, M.S., Th.D.

October 10 & 11, 2015, 10:00 - 5:00 each day

“A sacred world demands we are present to it from our soul.”

During this weekend, participants will deepen their understanding of how to support a sacred world, a world that nourishes all of life as well as themselves in the deepest sensibility of the word “nourishes”. The tools offered in this workshop provide important resources to cultivate a fulfilling life in our ever-changing and increasingly objectified and materialistic world. The retreat time will be balanced between teaching from Himayat, personal practice and contemplation, inquiry, group sharing, and personal assimilation of each day's experiences. Himayat offers great skill at making the subtle and sometimes difficult teaching and practice of Sufism both accessible to the modern psyche and applicable in addressing the concerns of our time.

Retreat Registration: $150.00 postmarked by September 25th, 2015 - Early Bird. $185.00 after September 25th. Send check to: Universal Awakening, PO Box 1958, Leicester, NC 28748

Meals and Lodging: Attn: Shana Smith, Gainesville Retreat Center, 1551 SE 51st Street, Gainesville, Florida 32641, 352-213-2221,

For more information: 828-713-1832

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