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Universal Awakening

Himayat Inayati

Spring - Summer 2025

Fuṣūṣ al-Hikam, The Bezels of Wisdom

Eye of God

One of the most important works written on Islamic Mysticism,
by al-Sheikh al-Akbar
Muhyi id Dīn Ibn ʿArabī

Muhyi id Dīn Ibn ʿArabī (1165–1240) is deemed by many as the greatest mystic of Islam, his mystical philosophy attracting the attention of both Muslims and non-Muslims from his time to the present day. He taught that the cosmos, our world, and all life within it, are the self-manifestation of God. Coming at the end of his life, the Fuṣūṣ al-Hikam examines the unique signatures of twenty-seven prophets of Islam, offering the best over-view of Muhyi id Dīn Ibn ʿArabī’s teaching. Although this book is both deep and complex, in the time we will be studying it I will offer commentary to the material offered in a way that supports and clarifies your personal practice and the cultivation of your inner being. This study will be offered in segments of 5 classes with 5 lessons per class. You may participate in any one (or in all) of the classes.

Class May 3 – July 13th 2025
Registration ends April 25th, 2025
Tuition $195.00

Written lessons will be posted, along with pertinent practices (including an audio tape of the practice), every other week, allowing time to read, reflect, do the practices, ask questions or make online comments, and enter into a written dialogue with class participants from around the world as well as with Himayat. Participants can enter the class whenever it is convenient to do so and can print off the lessons and class material to review after the class ends.

There will be three international Zoom Sangha Sessions scheduled on Sundays, 1 PM (Eastern USA time) on May 11th, May 25th, July 13th, 2025.These sessions, although not required, strengthen practice, deepen understanding of the lessons, and provide a sense of spiritual community (Sangha).

There will be an optional class retreat June 13 -15, 2025.

Pods, that are also optional, will be created both in the USA and in Germany to support on-going dialogue and reflection with other class participants. All classes and Zoom meetings are given in English and will be translated into German.

Registration: Due by April 25th, 2025. Address tuition check of $195.00 to: Universal Awakening, PO Box 1958, Leicester, North Carolina 28748 or $203.00 by PayPal to, or $195.00 by Venmo @John-Johnson-1231.