New Issue of Awakenings Newsletter
Dear Friend of Universal Awakening,
The April 2007 edition of AWAKENINGS, the newsletter for Universal Awakening, is now available. This issue includes a wonderful collection of inspiring and thought-provoking articles, along with the regular features, all designed to deepen your understanding of the many facets of universal awakening.
To download the newsletter, go to the Newsletter page on the UA web site (link below). Then click on the PDF icon for "Awakenings, April 2007". If you have a landline connection, the download may take a few minutes.
Your feedback, suggestions and ideas for future issues are most welcome. We encourage you to communicate your feedback not just to us but to all via the "Add a Comment" button at the bottom of the Newsletter page. Also, Be sure to print it out and pass it on to a friend!
With warm regards,
The UA Editorial Staff
Mary Dohrmann
Peggy Baldwin
David Dohrmann
Universal Awakening []
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The April 2007 edition of AWAKENINGS, the newsletter for Universal Awakening, is now available. This issue includes a wonderful collection of inspiring and thought-provoking articles, along with the regular features, all designed to deepen your understanding of the many facets of universal awakening.
To download the newsletter, go to the Newsletter page on the UA web site (link below). Then click on the PDF icon for "Awakenings, April 2007". If you have a landline connection, the download may take a few minutes.
Your feedback, suggestions and ideas for future issues are most welcome. We encourage you to communicate your feedback not just to us but to all via the "Add a Comment" button at the bottom of the Newsletter page. Also, Be sure to print it out and pass it on to a friend!
With warm regards,
The UA Editorial Staff
Mary Dohrmann
Peggy Baldwin
David Dohrmann
Universal Awakening []
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