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Universal Awakening

Donations to Universal Awakening through United Way!

Dear Friends of Universal Awakening,

Did you know that you can designate your United Way gift to Universal Awakening?  UA is a non-profit organization and eligible to receive designations through your local United Way campaign.

How do I make a donation to UA through United Way?

When you fill out your pledge card for United Way at your place of business, indicate that you would like your pledge designated to Universal Awakening.  You will need to include the UA office address and phone on the card:

Universal Awakening

P.O. Box 17578

Asheville, North Carolina 28816


Your local United Way will notify Universal Awakening of your donation and make arrangements to send your collected donation to the UA office. However, please notify the Universal Awakening office of your donation so we can follow through to insure that the donation is received. (

In many cases, your employer will match any funds you donate through the United Way campaign as well as other non-profit donations you make.  Please notify the UA office of this benefit if you choose to make any form of donation.

Thank you for your support of Universal Awakening!

Universal Awakening []
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